Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How Stella Got Her Groove Back....Or Did She?

Ever see that movie? It's a classic woman flick...good for the soul and more importantly good for your heart. It has its typical Hollywood moments of drama and sadness wrapped in love and the power to overcome your fears. I have found it is mostly the fear of oneself that needs to be concquered. Life has hurdles, obstacles, challenges...all these things help shape us and make us individuals...but can they also damage us...even in the slightest way...I would argue that they do.

While we cross all of these alligator filled moats that make up the path of life we get a little damaged along the way. I doubt anyone wants to openly admit that. I doubt that someone who goes through an awful gut wrenching divorce now wants to turn and say to the public, "Yes, I am beyond fucked up, want to be friends?" My response, "Get your shit straight and then call me." I know, I am less kind in these sorts of situations. But in my own experience I found an alarmingly large amount of people turned their back on me in my darkest hour. Not only did they actually turn away...but they just assumed I would be fine.

I was bursting at the seams and found myself in a million pieces scattered across the universe. But to 'those people', I was doing just fine. I guess the even more bizarre part of this story is that those same people turned their back on my children. I mean sure, who cares about the man I walked away from, but to not call the kids and check up on them, now that is cold hearted.

I have to learn to let 'stuff' roll off of my back. And my older girlfriends are always telling me not to worry that as I age I will feel less strongly about my convictions...ummm's not working and I'm definitely getting older.


It was late at night and I had spent the 4th consecutive week on a friend's couch, with his girlfriend hovering over me and watching everything I did. It was clear she was unaware of the length of my stay, even though it had been discussed. They were in the bedroom and I decided to call my husband [yes, he was still my husband - even though I filed divorce papers prior to moving out of the State] and have a quick chat about the kids. The chat turned into a conversation which lead to a full on discussion about my return. It was easier than I had imagined, there was no fight. I heard this sad broken voice saying I could come back. [By the way, that sad voice was me.] That was it. Done deal. A week later I packed up and went back.

More to come......

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