Thursday, September 24, 2009

Work Hard - Play Hard - Sleep Less

I don't think it's a secret that after having children one sleeps less. And one sleeps a bit lighter. The most subtle noise jolts me out of my sleep. My dreams have become more vivid and my coffee intake has increased. I found myself atmy coffee shoppe this morning discovering I had 'earned' a free cup of coffee. I normally get the delicious Illy drip coffee but since it was 'free' I decided on the gigundo mocha latte. Needless to say, I ended up drinking half of it cold on my way home from work today. The thought of it was divine, but I actually like the drip coffee with honey and half n half, instead of the mocha choco latte non fat milk half foam.....blah blah

I was also amazed to see in the cooler a "frosting shot" with a small neon plastic spoon. Is this what the world has come to.....whipped crack in a small portion with a neon spoon? I wondered who ordered such nonsense. Not me. I figured if I ate that alleged "treat" that early in the am I was bound to crash by about 11am. Not attractive.

I was also on this horrible sleep kick of sleeping from midnight to about 5am. It finally caught up to me over the weekend and I spent most of my Sunday napping as if I was still intoxicated from the night before. I was not drunk. I was not hungover. I was exhausted. From what you ask? From being a full time working mother, who has an obsessive compulsive disorder when it comes to cleaning, cooking homemade meals every night and sometimes for breakfast too and from making sure two little people and a very needy husband are given enough attention that they don't automatically start whining when they see me.....WHEW!!!

Good grief Charlie Brown. I remember when the title of tonight's blog was the complete opposite. Work lightly, Play Hard and Sleep till 3pm.


  1. Working moms are my heroes. I don't know how you do it - 2 kids, husband, pets, OCD (lol), and juggle a social life!! You are a rock. And an inspiration... ;)

  2. Hi Supermom! :) I finally have internet access to be able to follow your fabulous blog. I hope you guys are doing well! I'm off to read the rest of your blog and get updated...
