Monday, August 24, 2009

The First Day

Good Evening All:

I have decided to start a Blog for Fabulous Women who are Mothers with Fabulous little children!!! My husband and I have 2 children. Our 4 year old boy Logan and our 1 year old daughter Stella. Early on they acquired the nicknames of Logaroni and Stellarina....

I work full time and so does my husband. And best of all I find time to spend any spare moment with "the minis" and provide them the best care that I possibly can!!!!

My husband is ten years older and if it weren't for that I think I might still be uber selfish, shopping for luxurious apparel and accessories and buying overly expensive kitchen tools and gadgets!!!!

But alas, I work hard every day and when the long day is over I come home and prepare a home cooked meal for us and then we sit down and talk and laugh and play until it's time for night night (as the kids call it).

So tell me, what kind of Mother are you, what kind of parent are you? What kind of Fabulous Woman are you? What made you fabulous enough to decide to have children and provide for them a fabulous life? Tell me if you work full time or part time; use daycare or a Nanny service; cook or do take out; clean or have a cleaning lady; single parent, married, divorced, widowed; all the stuff that makes us a family.

Families are different, it takes a strong person to care enough to have children and an even stronger person to take responsibility for their minis and give them the best life.

Let's share our secrets and thoughts, whether it's a cookbook or a person or an item, and let's help each other when times are tough and tears are more remind ourselves that we are FABULOUS even beneath poopy diapers or tantrums or work days full of drama.....we are FABULOUS!!!!!!

And for all you Fabulous Women thinking about having children let us hear from you too!!!!!

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